Group Therapy
Are you struggling to manage your emotions, anxiety, or relationships?
You’re doing pretty well and winning in life in a lot of ways, but you also feel increasingly anxious, sad and lonely, and you don’t really know where to turn.
You don’t have much to complain about in life - you have friends, family, a life that appears and is great in a lot of ways. And yet, something gnaws at you quietly inside.
If you dare to try to speak about it with your friends or family, they might tell you … look at the bright side, don’t focus on the negatives, look at the positives. But sadly, this hardly ever works. All it does is have you feel even more confused and anxious.
You see… whether it’s self-doubt, anxiety, loneliness, feelings of depression, stress or relationship difficulties… at their core, what makes life so difficult is not having the depth and quality of connection that we all need as humans.
Most of us weren’t taught how to meet our own distressing emotions fully, authentically, honestly. Rather, we were told to shoo them away, shut them up, and be grateful for what we had.
Most of us weren’t given the kind of presence, empathy and emotional attunement that had us develop compassionate self-stories and self-acceptance. Rather, we are all our own harshest inner critics and we live in a world where anxiety & emotional repression is the norm.
It’s no wonder that we struggle to connect & truly thrive, despite ‘having it all’.
But when there is a space where we no longer have to repress, mask up, perform and pretend that we are “all okay”…
When there is a space where you can drop out of your mind’s endless judgement and over-thinking…
When there is a space where you can meet and connect with others, in a real, non-judgemental, deeply attuned and connected way…
That is the kind of connection that touches the dark corners of the heart and psyche and slowly, steadily creates healing.
This is what The Group is about…
• The Group is a small therapy process group designed for relational connection and healing
• The Group is a space that welcomes you as you are, without analysing you or ‘fixing’ you
• The Group is a place to be profoundly, sometimes terrifyingly, human
If this sounds like a space you’d like to be in, reach out after reading the details
North Bondi Group
WHEN: Tuesday nights 6:30-8:30pm
WHERE: North Bondi
BY WHO: Led by me & Michael Cohn, Buddhist Psychotherapist & Acceptance and Commitment Therapy therapist of 20+ years
HOW MUCH: $100 AUD per session
(first session is $50 AUD)